Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Don't Judge a Book by Its Title

Right now I’m reading a book by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki entitled, “Why We Want You To Be Rich – Two Men, One Message“. I saw this book long time ago at a book store but I didn’t bother browsing through it because… “Why do I want to know why you want me to be rich? I know why I want to be rich!”

But a few days ago I saw this book in Ernie’s library. If this book is in his library, there must be something good about this book. So, I borrowed it and started reading it. To my surprise, the content is not as I thought it’d be. They actually tell you why you should be rich and ways to get rich.

In one portion of the book, they talked about the impact of increasing oil price. The first edition of this book was published in 2006. They already talked about it two years ago and it’s happening now. I’m sure you’ve heard this before… “The rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer”. With the increase in oil price, there’ll be no more middle class. You’ll be either rich or poor. It’s scary, isn’t it?

But the good news is we can do something about it. And this book gives a couple of ways to be rich. But I think the most important thing is FOCUS. And in this book FOCUS is…

F = Follow
O = One
C = Course
U = Until
S = Successful

Actually my friend already told me about this a long time ago, but I didn’t listen. This is another “don’t judge a book by its cover” story. I’ll tell you when I have the time.

So, REMEMBER this. Whatever you do, just do one thing first and do it until you’re successful. That’s one of my problems. I have lots of ideas and I’d start most of them and then lose track, felt overwhelm and did it half way. If I’d just concentrated on one project, I’d have been damn rich and successful now.

So, to avoid being in the poor category, choose one of the ways to be rich and do it until you are successful. For more information, get the book, read it and APPLY it. TAKE ACTION. That’s how you win a battle.

Don't Judge a Book by Its Title

Don't Judge a Book by Its Title

Right now I’m reading a book by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki entitled, “Why We Want You To Be Rich – Two Men, One Message“. I saw this book long time ago at a book store but I didn’t bother browsing through it because… “Why do I want to know why you want me to be rich? I know why I want to be rich!”

But a few days ago I saw this book in Ernie’s library. If this book is in his library, there must be something good about this book. So, I borrowed it and started reading it. To my surprise, the content is not as I thought it’d be. They actually tell you why you should be rich and ways to get rich.

In one portion of the book, they talked about the impact of increasing oil price. The first edition of this book was published in 2006. They already talked about it two years ago and it’s happening now. I’m sure you’ve heard this before… “The rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer”. With the increase in oil price, there’ll be no more middle class. You’ll be either rich or poor. It’s scary, isn’t it?

But the good news is we can do something about it. And this book gives a couple of ways to be rich. But I think the most important thing is FOCUS. And in this book FOCUS is…

F = Follow
O = One
C = Course
U = Until
S = Successful

Actually my friend already told me about this a long time ago, but I didn’t listen. This is another “don’t judge a book by its cover” story. I’ll tell you when I have the time.

So, REMEMBER this. Whatever you do, just do one thing first and do it until you’re successful. That’s one of my problems. I have lots of ideas and I’d start most of them and then lose track, felt overwhelm and did it half way. If I’d just concentrated on one project, I’d have been damn rich and successful now.

So, to avoid being in the poor category, choose one of the ways to be rich and do it until you are successful. For more information, get the book, read it and APPLY it. TAKE ACTION. That’s how you win a battle.

Don't Judge a Book by Its Title

Review Of Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth

The concept of ordinary people, extraordinary wealth almost seems like a contradiction to some.

I remember as a child asking my mother if she had ever been to Hollywood, and her replying “oh sure,” as if someone like her would ever have the means to visit Hollywood. My mother is an ordinary person and doesn’t run with the rich and famous.

The reality, though, is that my mother or anyone else could keep up with the more affluent if they so desired. Far from a fantasy, the idea of regular people gaining great wealth is something anyone can achieve.

That’s the theme of Ric Edelman’s book of the same title, “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth: The 8 Secrets of How 5,000 Ordinary Americans Became Successful Investors And How You Can Too.”

Edelman meticulously studied the lifestyles of 5,000 ordinary people for this book to determine how they became wealthy. Believe it or not, someone didn’t do another study on how to lose weight and still eat all you want or how democracy has helped shape the world.

Instead, Edleman set out in his wealth building research book to share the secrets those individuals shared with him. Along the way, Edelman encountered individuals who never really set out to be wealthy.

But the book points out that while these individuals never set out to be rich, simple steps by them resulted in extraordinary wealth. Everyone has to learn from the experts, right? That’s why lawyers teach in law schools, former journalists are hired by colleges, engineers create consulting firms, etc.

The same holds true for seeking the advice of experts on achieving wealth. But, as noted earlier, the people in “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth” are not professionals (at least as it pertains to finances). Instead, they are average people struggling to make a living who found a way to beat the rat race.

Edelman shares eight simple rules in his book that anyone can use to achieve wealth. Among the advice offered in the book:

* Homeowners need to learn how to make their mortgages work for them. Too many homeowners in our society barely meet minimum payments each month and become financial slaves to their mortgages.

* Wealth building is a lifestyle and not something individuals do and then pay little regard to later. Just as getting and staying fit depends on a continued regimen of diet and exercise, the same applies to realizing wealth and maintaining that status.

* Ways to get the most out of employee retirement plans.

* The importance of keeping up with financial news, along with knowing how to discern what is relevant and what is unimportant. Like many Americans today who pay little or no attention to politics, too many Americans have become unconcerned with financial issues and thus are unaware of how they could affect them both positively and detrimentally.

“Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth” serves as the roadmap for getting and staying out of debt, along with achieving a lifestyle most only dream about. What is important, though, is that it includes the wisdom of average people no different than its readers.

Review Of Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth

Review Of Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth

The concept of ordinary people, extraordinary wealth almost seems like a contradiction to some.

I remember as a child asking my mother if she had ever been to Hollywood, and her replying “oh sure,” as if someone like her would ever have the means to visit Hollywood. My mother is an ordinary person and doesn’t run with the rich and famous.

The reality, though, is that my mother or anyone else could keep up with the more affluent if they so desired. Far from a fantasy, the idea of regular people gaining great wealth is something anyone can achieve.

That’s the theme of Ric Edelman’s book of the same title, “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth: The 8 Secrets of How 5,000 Ordinary Americans Became Successful Investors And How You Can Too.”

Edelman meticulously studied the lifestyles of 5,000 ordinary people for this book to determine how they became wealthy. Believe it or not, someone didn’t do another study on how to lose weight and still eat all you want or how democracy has helped shape the world.

Instead, Edleman set out in his wealth building research book to share the secrets those individuals shared with him. Along the way, Edelman encountered individuals who never really set out to be wealthy.

But the book points out that while these individuals never set out to be rich, simple steps by them resulted in extraordinary wealth. Everyone has to learn from the experts, right? That’s why lawyers teach in law schools, former journalists are hired by colleges, engineers create consulting firms, etc.

The same holds true for seeking the advice of experts on achieving wealth. But, as noted earlier, the people in “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth” are not professionals (at least as it pertains to finances). Instead, they are average people struggling to make a living who found a way to beat the rat race.

Edelman shares eight simple rules in his book that anyone can use to achieve wealth. Among the advice offered in the book:

* Homeowners need to learn how to make their mortgages work for them. Too many homeowners in our society barely meet minimum payments each month and become financial slaves to their mortgages.

* Wealth building is a lifestyle and not something individuals do and then pay little regard to later. Just as getting and staying fit depends on a continued regimen of diet and exercise, the same applies to realizing wealth and maintaining that status.

* Ways to get the most out of employee retirement plans.

* The importance of keeping up with financial news, along with knowing how to discern what is relevant and what is unimportant. Like many Americans today who pay little or no attention to politics, too many Americans have become unconcerned with financial issues and thus are unaware of how they could affect them both positively and detrimentally.

“Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth” serves as the roadmap for getting and staying out of debt, along with achieving a lifestyle most only dream about. What is important, though, is that it includes the wisdom of average people no different than its readers.

Review Of Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth

"All New Courtship After Marriage" by Zig Ziglar

If you’ve ever been married – or have at least been involved in a serious romantic partnership – one thing that stands apparent is that after a while, the butterflies fade and some of the magic dies. Unfortunately, this happens to even the most exciting relationships – it doesn’t matter if you’re soul mates or not. Sadly, most people don’t want to put forth the effort required to sustain a happy marriage. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar talks about how effort is required in all marriages, and just because the “newness” fades, doesn’t mean it’s over.

When you fist meet someone, you may notice that you feel very in love. You get butterflies, chills, de ja vu, and a number of other passionate, exhilarating feelings. However, these feelings do not have to fade. Each relationship possesses a number of phases. Most people only want what happens in the beginning because it’s less work. Falling in love is one thing, but maintaining the passion is completely different. People confuse falling out of love with the effort involved to maintain those strong feelings of attraction for one another, so sadly, they mistake it for falling out of love.

As times passes, you will begin to become more comfortable with your partner. You may find that you start “letting yourself go” around them. While it’s perfectly okay to feel comfortable with your partner, one of the worst things you can do is stop caring for yourself. Before long, you won’t love yourself as much and your self-confidence will plummet, which will in turn begin to have a negative affect on how you and your partner view yourself. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar talks about how it is important to not allow this sort of thing to occur.

This program also discusses how to handle common forms of stress. It has been proven that money is one of the most stressful things to discuss and handle for those who are married. You must understand how you are each going to handle your finances. When money starts to become a problem, things can get ugly. This program shows you how to handle your finances without killing your partner.

Another common marriage-killer is when the sex starts feeling like a routine. Each of you can sense this and in turn, the passion dies. When the sex goes bad, it can completely alter the nature of your relationship, turning off your passion for one another and making either one or each of you feel as though it may be over. As a result, one or both partners may start to be on the lookout for something more new and exciting. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar teaches you how you can easily keep the passion alive in the bedroom, which will prevent each of you from wandering elsewhere.

Yet another common complication is communication. After some time, you may not feel like talking anymore. Or, you may be so stressed out about something else that you don’t have time to talk to your partner. This often causes feelings of confusion, rejection, and resentment. It also leads to conflict and eventually, the end of your marriage. It’s best if both partners can communicate at all times, as marriage is about remaining open and working through difficulties together. This helpful guide is designed to show you how to do that.

As you may already be well-aware, there are both happy times and bad times in marriage. It is often when the bad times arise that one partner will tend to pull away, which can also alter the relationship for the worst. Fortunately, this does not have to signify the end. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar tells you specifically what to do, say, and how to act when the bad times arise and how you can still maintain the feeling of being in love at all times.

"All New Courtship After Marriage" by Zig Ziglar

"All New Courtship After Marriage" by Zig Ziglar

If you’ve ever been married – or have at least been involved in a serious romantic partnership – one thing that stands apparent is that after a while, the butterflies fade and some of the magic dies. Unfortunately, this happens to even the most exciting relationships – it doesn’t matter if you’re soul mates or not. Sadly, most people don’t want to put forth the effort required to sustain a happy marriage. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar talks about how effort is required in all marriages, and just because the “newness” fades, doesn’t mean it’s over.

When you fist meet someone, you may notice that you feel very in love. You get butterflies, chills, de ja vu, and a number of other passionate, exhilarating feelings. However, these feelings do not have to fade. Each relationship possesses a number of phases. Most people only want what happens in the beginning because it’s less work. Falling in love is one thing, but maintaining the passion is completely different. People confuse falling out of love with the effort involved to maintain those strong feelings of attraction for one another, so sadly, they mistake it for falling out of love.

As times passes, you will begin to become more comfortable with your partner. You may find that you start “letting yourself go” around them. While it’s perfectly okay to feel comfortable with your partner, one of the worst things you can do is stop caring for yourself. Before long, you won’t love yourself as much and your self-confidence will plummet, which will in turn begin to have a negative affect on how you and your partner view yourself. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar talks about how it is important to not allow this sort of thing to occur.

This program also discusses how to handle common forms of stress. It has been proven that money is one of the most stressful things to discuss and handle for those who are married. You must understand how you are each going to handle your finances. When money starts to become a problem, things can get ugly. This program shows you how to handle your finances without killing your partner.

Another common marriage-killer is when the sex starts feeling like a routine. Each of you can sense this and in turn, the passion dies. When the sex goes bad, it can completely alter the nature of your relationship, turning off your passion for one another and making either one or each of you feel as though it may be over. As a result, one or both partners may start to be on the lookout for something more new and exciting. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar teaches you how you can easily keep the passion alive in the bedroom, which will prevent each of you from wandering elsewhere.

Yet another common complication is communication. After some time, you may not feel like talking anymore. Or, you may be so stressed out about something else that you don’t have time to talk to your partner. This often causes feelings of confusion, rejection, and resentment. It also leads to conflict and eventually, the end of your marriage. It’s best if both partners can communicate at all times, as marriage is about remaining open and working through difficulties together. This helpful guide is designed to show you how to do that.

As you may already be well-aware, there are both happy times and bad times in marriage. It is often when the bad times arise that one partner will tend to pull away, which can also alter the relationship for the worst. Fortunately, this does not have to signify the end. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar tells you specifically what to do, say, and how to act when the bad times arise and how you can still maintain the feeling of being in love at all times.

"All New Courtship After Marriage" by Zig Ziglar

"All New Courtship After Marriage" by Zig Ziglar

If you’ve ever been married – or have at least been involved in a serious romantic partnership – one thing that stands apparent is that after a while, the butterflies fade and some of the magic dies. Unfortunately, this happens to even the most exciting relationships – it doesn’t matter if you’re soul mates or not. Sadly, most people don’t want to put forth the effort required to sustain a happy marriage. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar talks about how effort is required in all marriages, and just because the “newness” fades, doesn’t mean it’s over.

When you fist meet someone, you may notice that you feel very in love. You get butterflies, chills, de ja vu, and a number of other passionate, exhilarating feelings. However, these feelings do not have to fade. Each relationship possesses a number of phases. Most people only want what happens in the beginning because it’s less work. Falling in love is one thing, but maintaining the passion is completely different. People confuse falling out of love with the effort involved to maintain those strong feelings of attraction for one another, so sadly, they mistake it for falling out of love.

As times passes, you will begin to become more comfortable with your partner. You may find that you start “letting yourself go” around them. While it’s perfectly okay to feel comfortable with your partner, one of the worst things you can do is stop caring for yourself. Before long, you won’t love yourself as much and your self-confidence will plummet, which will in turn begin to have a negative affect on how you and your partner view yourself. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar talks about how it is important to not allow this sort of thing to occur.

This program also discusses how to handle common forms of stress. It has been proven that money is one of the most stressful things to discuss and handle for those who are married. You must understand how you are each going to handle your finances. When money starts to become a problem, things can get ugly. This program shows you how to handle your finances without killing your partner.

Another common marriage-killer is when the sex starts feeling like a routine. Each of you can sense this and in turn, the passion dies. When the sex goes bad, it can completely alter the nature of your relationship, turning off your passion for one another and making either one or each of you feel as though it may be over. As a result, one or both partners may start to be on the lookout for something more new and exciting. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar teaches you how you can easily keep the passion alive in the bedroom, which will prevent each of you from wandering elsewhere.

Yet another common complication is communication. After some time, you may not feel like talking anymore. Or, you may be so stressed out about something else that you don’t have time to talk to your partner. This often causes feelings of confusion, rejection, and resentment. It also leads to conflict and eventually, the end of your marriage. It’s best if both partners can communicate at all times, as marriage is about remaining open and working through difficulties together. This helpful guide is designed to show you how to do that.

As you may already be well-aware, there are both happy times and bad times in marriage. It is often when the bad times arise that one partner will tend to pull away, which can also alter the relationship for the worst. Fortunately, this does not have to signify the end. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar tells you specifically what to do, say, and how to act when the bad times arise and how you can still maintain the feeling of being in love at all times.

"All New Courtship After Marriage" by Zig Ziglar

"All New Courtship After Marriage" by Zig Ziglar

If you’ve ever been married – or have at least been involved in a serious romantic partnership – one thing that stands apparent is that after a while, the butterflies fade and some of the magic dies. Unfortunately, this happens to even the most exciting relationships – it doesn’t matter if you’re soul mates or not. Sadly, most people don’t want to put forth the effort required to sustain a happy marriage. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar talks about how effort is required in all marriages, and just because the “newness” fades, doesn’t mean it’s over.

When you fist meet someone, you may notice that you feel very in love. You get butterflies, chills, de ja vu, and a number of other passionate, exhilarating feelings. However, these feelings do not have to fade. Each relationship possesses a number of phases. Most people only want what happens in the beginning because it’s less work. Falling in love is one thing, but maintaining the passion is completely different. People confuse falling out of love with the effort involved to maintain those strong feelings of attraction for one another, so sadly, they mistake it for falling out of love.

As times passes, you will begin to become more comfortable with your partner. You may find that you start “letting yourself go” around them. While it’s perfectly okay to feel comfortable with your partner, one of the worst things you can do is stop caring for yourself. Before long, you won’t love yourself as much and your self-confidence will plummet, which will in turn begin to have a negative affect on how you and your partner view yourself. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar talks about how it is important to not allow this sort of thing to occur.

This program also discusses how to handle common forms of stress. It has been proven that money is one of the most stressful things to discuss and handle for those who are married. You must understand how you are each going to handle your finances. When money starts to become a problem, things can get ugly. This program shows you how to handle your finances without killing your partner.

Another common marriage-killer is when the sex starts feeling like a routine. Each of you can sense this and in turn, the passion dies. When the sex goes bad, it can completely alter the nature of your relationship, turning off your passion for one another and making either one or each of you feel as though it may be over. As a result, one or both partners may start to be on the lookout for something more new and exciting. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar teaches you how you can easily keep the passion alive in the bedroom, which will prevent each of you from wandering elsewhere.

Yet another common complication is communication. After some time, you may not feel like talking anymore. Or, you may be so stressed out about something else that you don’t have time to talk to your partner. This often causes feelings of confusion, rejection, and resentment. It also leads to conflict and eventually, the end of your marriage. It’s best if both partners can communicate at all times, as marriage is about remaining open and working through difficulties together. This helpful guide is designed to show you how to do that.

As you may already be well-aware, there are both happy times and bad times in marriage. It is often when the bad times arise that one partner will tend to pull away, which can also alter the relationship for the worst. Fortunately, this does not have to signify the end. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar tells you specifically what to do, say, and how to act when the bad times arise and how you can still maintain the feeling of being in love at all times.

"All New Courtship After Marriage" by Zig Ziglar

"All New Courtship After Marriage" by Zig Ziglar

If you’ve ever been married – or have at least been involved in a serious romantic partnership – one thing that stands apparent is that after a while, the butterflies fade and some of the magic dies. Unfortunately, this happens to even the most exciting relationships – it doesn’t matter if you’re soul mates or not. Sadly, most people don’t want to put forth the effort required to sustain a happy marriage. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar talks about how effort is required in all marriages, and just because the “newness” fades, doesn’t mean it’s over.

When you fist meet someone, you may notice that you feel very in love. You get butterflies, chills, de ja vu, and a number of other passionate, exhilarating feelings. However, these feelings do not have to fade. Each relationship possesses a number of phases. Most people only want what happens in the beginning because it’s less work. Falling in love is one thing, but maintaining the passion is completely different. People confuse falling out of love with the effort involved to maintain those strong feelings of attraction for one another, so sadly, they mistake it for falling out of love.

As times passes, you will begin to become more comfortable with your partner. You may find that you start “letting yourself go” around them. While it’s perfectly okay to feel comfortable with your partner, one of the worst things you can do is stop caring for yourself. Before long, you won’t love yourself as much and your self-confidence will plummet, which will in turn begin to have a negative affect on how you and your partner view yourself. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar talks about how it is important to not allow this sort of thing to occur.

This program also discusses how to handle common forms of stress. It has been proven that money is one of the most stressful things to discuss and handle for those who are married. You must understand how you are each going to handle your finances. When money starts to become a problem, things can get ugly. This program shows you how to handle your finances without killing your partner.

Another common marriage-killer is when the sex starts feeling like a routine. Each of you can sense this and in turn, the passion dies. When the sex goes bad, it can completely alter the nature of your relationship, turning off your passion for one another and making either one or each of you feel as though it may be over. As a result, one or both partners may start to be on the lookout for something more new and exciting. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar teaches you how you can easily keep the passion alive in the bedroom, which will prevent each of you from wandering elsewhere.

Yet another common complication is communication. After some time, you may not feel like talking anymore. Or, you may be so stressed out about something else that you don’t have time to talk to your partner. This often causes feelings of confusion, rejection, and resentment. It also leads to conflict and eventually, the end of your marriage. It’s best if both partners can communicate at all times, as marriage is about remaining open and working through difficulties together. This helpful guide is designed to show you how to do that.

As you may already be well-aware, there are both happy times and bad times in marriage. It is often when the bad times arise that one partner will tend to pull away, which can also alter the relationship for the worst. Fortunately, this does not have to signify the end. All New Courtship After Marriage by Zig Ziglar tells you specifically what to do, say, and how to act when the bad times arise and how you can still maintain the feeling of being in love at all times.

"All New Courtship After Marriage" by Zig Ziglar

5 Simple Ways to Lose Belly Fat

Losing unwanted belly fat does not have to involve prolonged workout sessions at the gym or self-defeating fad diet regimens. In fact, most people find that without a lifestyle change, any fat that is lost during a period of dieting or extreme exercise is gained back once the diet or exercise is discontinued. If you want to lose belly fat and keep it off, then you need to consider a lifestyle change. By altering only a few important patterns in your eating and exercise habits, you can literally lose belly fat without starving or heavy exercise. Here are five easy ways to lose belly fat.

1. Walk for 30 minutes each day. Walking is not only a stress-reducer, but a person weighing 185 pounds, will burn 84 calories in that half hour walk.

2. Eliminate just one slice of buttered bread from your diet each day and you have reduced your intake of calories intake by 104. Note: There are 3500 calories to one pound of fat. Just by following steps one and two above you will eliminate 188 calories a day or 1316 calories a week from your body. Congratulations you just lost over one quarter pound of belly fat.

3. Get a full night’s rest. Many people find, and most doctors know, that getting a full night of undisturbed sleep not only leaves you feeling energized for a new day, but it helps your belly metabolize your food much more efficiently. When the belly is in the resting state during sleep, it actually works much more efficiently to process fat than if you were to sit on the sofa watching the television. Furthermore, if you are fully rested, you will be more likely to take on projects with more vigor and energy the next day (which will help you burn more calories. ) So go on – get those zzzz’s.

4. Undue stress has a very negative physiological effect on the belly and contributes to fat storage in the cells. By reducing small amounts of stress in your life, you can quickly and simply reduce fatty deposits, especially in the belly area. So go ahead: call your mother in law!

5. Drink plenty of liquid. Liquid hydrates your cells and helps them push harmful toxins through your belly more efficiently. Many times your body mistakes thirst for hunger, so drinking more can also help you lose belly fat. If you drink tea and coffee, be aware that they contain caffeine, which can increase your metabolism while it is in your system, but tends to slow your belly down once it leaves. Caffeinated beverages should always be consumed with an extra glass of water to ensure that you do not end up depleting your belly of necessary liquids. To ensure that your lifestyle changes become lasting, practice them with friends and loved ones.

Adjusting to any changes can be easier if you have a friend with whom you can share the journey and help to keep each other on track. By following these five simple ways to lose belly fat you’ll lose roughly one pound of belly fat in your first month. Not a dramatic loss, but a first step. Really that’s all there is to losing belly fat, start with one small step. The following month increase your activity and reduce your calorie intake and amaze yourself at how much belly fat you’ve lost in just a few months.

5 Simple Ways to Lose Belly Fat

5 Simple Ways to Lose Belly Fat

Losing unwanted belly fat does not have to involve prolonged workout sessions at the gym or self-defeating fad diet regimens. In fact, most people find that without a lifestyle change, any fat that is lost during a period of dieting or extreme exercise is gained back once the diet or exercise is discontinued. If you want to lose belly fat and keep it off, then you need to consider a lifestyle change. By altering only a few important patterns in your eating and exercise habits, you can literally lose belly fat without starving or heavy exercise. Here are five easy ways to lose belly fat.

1. Walk for 30 minutes each day. Walking is not only a stress-reducer, but a person weighing 185 pounds, will burn 84 calories in that half hour walk.

2. Eliminate just one slice of buttered bread from your diet each day and you have reduced your intake of calories intake by 104. Note: There are 3500 calories to one pound of fat. Just by following steps one and two above you will eliminate 188 calories a day or 1316 calories a week from your body. Congratulations you just lost over one quarter pound of belly fat.

3. Get a full night’s rest. Many people find, and most doctors know, that getting a full night of undisturbed sleep not only leaves you feeling energized for a new day, but it helps your belly metabolize your food much more efficiently. When the belly is in the resting state during sleep, it actually works much more efficiently to process fat than if you were to sit on the sofa watching the television. Furthermore, if you are fully rested, you will be more likely to take on projects with more vigor and energy the next day (which will help you burn more calories. ) So go on – get those zzzz’s.

4. Undue stress has a very negative physiological effect on the belly and contributes to fat storage in the cells. By reducing small amounts of stress in your life, you can quickly and simply reduce fatty deposits, especially in the belly area. So go ahead: call your mother in law!

5. Drink plenty of liquid. Liquid hydrates your cells and helps them push harmful toxins through your belly more efficiently. Many times your body mistakes thirst for hunger, so drinking more can also help you lose belly fat. If you drink tea and coffee, be aware that they contain caffeine, which can increase your metabolism while it is in your system, but tends to slow your belly down once it leaves. Caffeinated beverages should always be consumed with an extra glass of water to ensure that you do not end up depleting your belly of necessary liquids. To ensure that your lifestyle changes become lasting, practice them with friends and loved ones.

Adjusting to any changes can be easier if you have a friend with whom you can share the journey and help to keep each other on track. By following these five simple ways to lose belly fat you’ll lose roughly one pound of belly fat in your first month. Not a dramatic loss, but a first step. Really that’s all there is to losing belly fat, start with one small step. The following month increase your activity and reduce your calorie intake and amaze yourself at how much belly fat you’ve lost in just a few months.

5 Simple Ways to Lose Belly Fat

Who William Kent Really Is?

If you lookup William Kent you will probably find out that he was born the 1st of January, 1685, died on the 12th of April 1748 and he was an architect, a landscape artist as well as a furniture designer. But not many people know that this multitalented man was the inventor of baby carriages.

In architecture, Kent is known for reinventing the Palladian style in England. In the field of landscaping he is known as the parent of modern gardening. He approached a natural style of gardening and you can see his work at Alexander Pope’s garden villa. As a furniture designer he was well appreciated and you can see his designs at the Hampton Court Palace or at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich.

Kent was very appreciated in his time and he was asked by young ladies to design their dresses. Although he knew nothing about this domain, he managed thanks to his knowledge in the Five Classical Orders of Architecture.

His popularity grew and in 1733, William Kent was at the peak of his career. That is when Duke of Devonshire asked him if he could make a stroller for the Duke’s children.

Kent agreed to this challenge and he designed a stroller that had a shape similar to a shell and it was made out of wicker. It was pulled by goats, ponies or dogs and it was quite comfortable due to the springs added in the seats.

His carriage had a big success in the high society. At one point, Kent’s carriage became a symbol of the privileged and it was necessary to have a carriage that had a complicated design in order to have access in high society. And also these carriages were very heavy.

Years after Kent’s design, new models of strollers appeared and they had safety features like handlebars and brakes.

Who William Kent Really Is?

Who William Kent Really Is?

If you lookup William Kent you will probably find out that he was born the 1st of January, 1685, died on the 12th of April 1748 and he was an architect, a landscape artist as well as a furniture designer. But not many people know that this multitalented man was the inventor of baby carriages.

In architecture, Kent is known for reinventing the Palladian style in England. In the field of landscaping he is known as the parent of modern gardening. He approached a natural style of gardening and you can see his work at Alexander Pope’s garden villa. As a furniture designer he was well appreciated and you can see his designs at the Hampton Court Palace or at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich.

Kent was very appreciated in his time and he was asked by young ladies to design their dresses. Although he knew nothing about this domain, he managed thanks to his knowledge in the Five Classical Orders of Architecture.

His popularity grew and in 1733, William Kent was at the peak of his career. That is when Duke of Devonshire asked him if he could make a stroller for the Duke’s children.

Kent agreed to this challenge and he designed a stroller that had a shape similar to a shell and it was made out of wicker. It was pulled by goats, ponies or dogs and it was quite comfortable due to the springs added in the seats.

His carriage had a big success in the high society. At one point, Kent’s carriage became a symbol of the privileged and it was necessary to have a carriage that had a complicated design in order to have access in high society. And also these carriages were very heavy.

Years after Kent’s design, new models of strollers appeared and they had safety features like handlebars and brakes.

Who William Kent Really Is?

Who William Kent Really Is?

If you lookup William Kent you will probably find out that he was born the 1st of January, 1685, died on the 12th of April 1748 and he was an architect, a landscape artist as well as a furniture designer. But not many people know that this multitalented man was the inventor of baby carriages.

In architecture, Kent is known for reinventing the Palladian style in England. In the field of landscaping he is known as the parent of modern gardening. He approached a natural style of gardening and you can see his work at Alexander Pope’s garden villa. As a furniture designer he was well appreciated and you can see his designs at the Hampton Court Palace or at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich.

Kent was very appreciated in his time and he was asked by young ladies to design their dresses. Although he knew nothing about this domain, he managed thanks to his knowledge in the Five Classical Orders of Architecture.

His popularity grew and in 1733, William Kent was at the peak of his career. That is when Duke of Devonshire asked him if he could make a stroller for the Duke’s children.

Kent agreed to this challenge and he designed a stroller that had a shape similar to a shell and it was made out of wicker. It was pulled by goats, ponies or dogs and it was quite comfortable due to the springs added in the seats.

His carriage had a big success in the high society. At one point, Kent’s carriage became a symbol of the privileged and it was necessary to have a carriage that had a complicated design in order to have access in high society. And also these carriages were very heavy.

Years after Kent’s design, new models of strollers appeared and they had safety features like handlebars and brakes.

Who William Kent Really Is?

Book Review - Sideshow: Dumbing Down Democracy, by Lindsay Tanner

Lindsay Tanner was the Labor member for the Federal seat of Melbourne between 1993 and 2010. He quit in 2010 for personal reasons, needing to spend time with his young family, and was succeeded by Adam Bandt of the Greens. While Tanner stated his reasons for quitting politics were personal, reading Sideshow makes it clear that he was also prompted by an increasingly frivolous media environment, making a serious political career increasingly difficult.

Tanner never styled himself a chest beating intellectual, but he did have policy ideas and was engaged in a number of issues, which he wrote about in a books like Open Australia (1999) and Crowded Lives (2003). Temperamentally, Tanner was never an egomaniac or show pony politician. While many of the politicians of his time significantly lowered the intellectual tone on important debates, and generally involved themselves in petty party-political skirmishes, Tanner was pretty much the straight shooter. He could fight his battles using his serious minded intellect without descending into clever, circuitous arguments devoid of substance. As a politician Lindsay Tanner was a pretty substantial fellow, someone who entered politics with a genuine eye to the public good.

After spending three years as Minister for Finance and Deregulation in the Rudd Government, it would be natural to expect a fairly tantalising peek into the workings of that government, especially since Tanner was part of the so-called ‘gang of four’. Instead what Tanner has written is a book that is principally critical of the modern media, but also catches in its net the politicians who depend on that media, and the population that consumes it. Sideshow is entirely free of any kind of rancour or meting out of blame for the circus we now have for a media. Nor does Tanner try to show himself above the phenomenon he describes. This makes Sideshow read as a mature investigation of the media’s role in shaping our society and politics, written from someone who was in the belly of the beast for 18 years.

Only the Dumbest Survive

The way Lindsay Tanner writes it, no one is to blame for what the media has become: a frivolous, sensation driven carnival of gossip and scandal. Rather, the media has grown almost organically into its current state. If anything, the Internet, particularly Twitter and Facebook, has driven the media to be more superficial and lacking in depth. Commercial pressures also mean that media organisations are forced to put up stories that they known will attract readers and viewers, otherwise they go out of business. This is where the populace is to blame. By continuing to be attracted to these superficial stories, the media must keep on its race to the bottom. Tanner sites many a TV producer who says they try to keep political stories to a minimum, as viewers start dropping off in large numbers once a politician comes on the screen. Increasing apathy and complacency on the part of voters, Tanner speculates, may be due to Australia’s long run of economic prosperity.

All these elements mixed together – increasing economic imperatives to appeal to the lowest common denominator, the advent of super fast and constant access to information via the Internet, and the need for politicians to get access to this media so they can communicate their ideas and policies – has created an environment where only the dumbest can survive. From this it follows that the quality of our national conversation on a range of serious and pressing issues is hopelessly diminished. No one is paying attention, unless it is some cheap stunt that does not demand too much intellectual effort.

Hence the reason why so many politicians must now act like clowns simply to get the media to take notice. Tanner lists some of the high jinks and sideshow-like behavior that politicians have descended to simply to get media access (Tanner doesn’t leave himself out, citing some examples of his own sideshow media frolics.)

More Focused Public Attention Will Improve Media

The shortest way to improve the nation’s media is for the public to start paying more attention and simply taking an interest in the politics and topics that directly affect them. Commercial media outlets would then have to respond to the demand for more involved and deeply penetrating work from journalists.

The other options that Tanner considers for improving the media is for more government money to be directed to supporting quality journalism. Overall, Sideshow is a rather realistic (or pessimistic, depending on your outlook) book. Tanner doesn’t really see much hope for positive change in the near future, and thinks that the current media environment may indeed be the new normal. Nor does he share the confidence that some place on the Internet as a new force for the broad dissemination of quality journalism. It may, but it’s simply too early to tell.

While Sideshow may make depressing reading, it is never dull. Tanner has been bottling these ideas up for many years, and they spill out in the text with a sense of urgency. Tanner also backs up his arguments with a lot of fascinating research and quotes from key media and political players.

Sideshow is very much the truth as its politician-author has come to know it, which makes its candid conclusions all the more worrisome. For voters Sideshow is essential reading, as it gives an insider’s account of what it’s like trying to live as a serious politician in a media circus.

Sideshow: Dumbing Down Democracy, by Linday Tanner. Published by Scribe. ISBN: 978-1-921844-06-5

Book Review - Sideshow: Dumbing Down Democracy, by Lindsay Tanner

Book Review - Sideshow: Dumbing Down Democracy, by Lindsay Tanner

Lindsay Tanner was the Labor member for the Federal seat of Melbourne between 1993 and 2010. He quit in 2010 for personal reasons, needing to spend time with his young family, and was succeeded by Adam Bandt of the Greens. While Tanner stated his reasons for quitting politics were personal, reading Sideshow makes it clear that he was also prompted by an increasingly frivolous media environment, making a serious political career increasingly difficult.

Tanner never styled himself a chest beating intellectual, but he did have policy ideas and was engaged in a number of issues, which he wrote about in a books like Open Australia (1999) and Crowded Lives (2003). Temperamentally, Tanner was never an egomaniac or show pony politician. While many of the politicians of his time significantly lowered the intellectual tone on important debates, and generally involved themselves in petty party-political skirmishes, Tanner was pretty much the straight shooter. He could fight his battles using his serious minded intellect without descending into clever, circuitous arguments devoid of substance. As a politician Lindsay Tanner was a pretty substantial fellow, someone who entered politics with a genuine eye to the public good.

After spending three years as Minister for Finance and Deregulation in the Rudd Government, it would be natural to expect a fairly tantalising peek into the workings of that government, especially since Tanner was part of the so-called ‘gang of four’. Instead what Tanner has written is a book that is principally critical of the modern media, but also catches in its net the politicians who depend on that media, and the population that consumes it. Sideshow is entirely free of any kind of rancour or meting out of blame for the circus we now have for a media. Nor does Tanner try to show himself above the phenomenon he describes. This makes Sideshow read as a mature investigation of the media’s role in shaping our society and politics, written from someone who was in the belly of the beast for 18 years.

Only the Dumbest Survive

The way Lindsay Tanner writes it, no one is to blame for what the media has become: a frivolous, sensation driven carnival of gossip and scandal. Rather, the media has grown almost organically into its current state. If anything, the Internet, particularly Twitter and Facebook, has driven the media to be more superficial and lacking in depth. Commercial pressures also mean that media organisations are forced to put up stories that they known will attract readers and viewers, otherwise they go out of business. This is where the populace is to blame. By continuing to be attracted to these superficial stories, the media must keep on its race to the bottom. Tanner sites many a TV producer who says they try to keep political stories to a minimum, as viewers start dropping off in large numbers once a politician comes on the screen. Increasing apathy and complacency on the part of voters, Tanner speculates, may be due to Australia’s long run of economic prosperity.

All these elements mixed together – increasing economic imperatives to appeal to the lowest common denominator, the advent of super fast and constant access to information via the Internet, and the need for politicians to get access to this media so they can communicate their ideas and policies – has created an environment where only the dumbest can survive. From this it follows that the quality of our national conversation on a range of serious and pressing issues is hopelessly diminished. No one is paying attention, unless it is some cheap stunt that does not demand too much intellectual effort.

Hence the reason why so many politicians must now act like clowns simply to get the media to take notice. Tanner lists some of the high jinks and sideshow-like behavior that politicians have descended to simply to get media access (Tanner doesn’t leave himself out, citing some examples of his own sideshow media frolics.)

More Focused Public Attention Will Improve Media

The shortest way to improve the nation’s media is for the public to start paying more attention and simply taking an interest in the politics and topics that directly affect them. Commercial media outlets would then have to respond to the demand for more involved and deeply penetrating work from journalists.

The other options that Tanner considers for improving the media is for more government money to be directed to supporting quality journalism. Overall, Sideshow is a rather realistic (or pessimistic, depending on your outlook) book. Tanner doesn’t really see much hope for positive change in the near future, and thinks that the current media environment may indeed be the new normal. Nor does he share the confidence that some place on the Internet as a new force for the broad dissemination of quality journalism. It may, but it’s simply too early to tell.

While Sideshow may make depressing reading, it is never dull. Tanner has been bottling these ideas up for many years, and they spill out in the text with a sense of urgency. Tanner also backs up his arguments with a lot of fascinating research and quotes from key media and political players.

Sideshow is very much the truth as its politician-author has come to know it, which makes its candid conclusions all the more worrisome. For voters Sideshow is essential reading, as it gives an insider’s account of what it’s like trying to live as a serious politician in a media circus.

Sideshow: Dumbing Down Democracy, by Linday Tanner. Published by Scribe. ISBN: 978-1-921844-06-5

Book Review - Sideshow: Dumbing Down Democracy, by Lindsay Tanner

The Wedding Photo Book

Personalized Photo Books

Personalized photo books can be created using any digital photos and other digital picture files including scanned images and downloaded pictures. The cover can be customized with the addition of a single photo, which is then added to both the front and back cover. A second picture can be provided in order to have this printed on the back in place of the original picture. Every side of every page can also be customized with one or more photos and depending on the size of photo book chosen this means between 30 and 80 sides of photo printing on high quality materials.

Turning A Book Into A Wedding Photo Book

The book has many uses but is especially good looking and personal when used as a wedding personalized book. Whether you’re arranging it for your own use or are looking for a unique and very personal wedding gift for the happy couple, a wedding book is the ideal choice. It combines customization with a traditional wedding item and it can be kept and enjoyed for many years to come.

Giving A Wedding Book As A Gift

A wedding book can be given as a gift to the bride and groom to celebrate their big day. Ordinarily, this might mean giving them the gift after the big day but you can instead pay for the wedding book and receive a gift certificate which can be presented along with the rest of the wedding party’s gifts on the wedding day. Once the day is over and the couple have chosen their favorite photos they can then choose the photos to print in their own wedding book.

Creating Your Own Wedding Photo Book

Alternatively, you may be looking for a high quality and great looking wedding book for your own use. Use pictures taken by a professional photographer and combine these with more candid shots taken by guests in order to create a beautiful photo journal of your big day. There’s no need to mount the pictures yourself either this way, making it more convenient and better looking than a album.

Wedding Photo Guest Books

A guest book is another type of book that can be customized. Choose a picture and have it printed on the cover of a guest book and then choose the column headers to include on all of the pages. A photo guest book will usually hold around 200 entries although this can be extended by having extra pages added to the standard photo guest book size, ensuring that all of your guests are able to leave a message of congratulations for you and your partner.

The Wedding Photo Book

The Wedding Photo Book

Personalized Photo Books

Personalized photo books can be created using any digital photos and other digital picture files including scanned images and downloaded pictures. The cover can be customized with the addition of a single photo, which is then added to both the front and back cover. A second picture can be provided in order to have this printed on the back in place of the original picture. Every side of every page can also be customized with one or more photos and depending on the size of photo book chosen this means between 30 and 80 sides of photo printing on high quality materials.

Turning A Book Into A Wedding Photo Book

The book has many uses but is especially good looking and personal when used as a wedding personalized book. Whether you’re arranging it for your own use or are looking for a unique and very personal wedding gift for the happy couple, a wedding book is the ideal choice. It combines customization with a traditional wedding item and it can be kept and enjoyed for many years to come.

Giving A Wedding Book As A Gift

A wedding book can be given as a gift to the bride and groom to celebrate their big day. Ordinarily, this might mean giving them the gift after the big day but you can instead pay for the wedding book and receive a gift certificate which can be presented along with the rest of the wedding party’s gifts on the wedding day. Once the day is over and the couple have chosen their favorite photos they can then choose the photos to print in their own wedding book.

Creating Your Own Wedding Photo Book

Alternatively, you may be looking for a high quality and great looking wedding book for your own use. Use pictures taken by a professional photographer and combine these with more candid shots taken by guests in order to create a beautiful photo journal of your big day. There’s no need to mount the pictures yourself either this way, making it more convenient and better looking than a album.

Wedding Photo Guest Books

A guest book is another type of book that can be customized. Choose a picture and have it printed on the cover of a guest book and then choose the column headers to include on all of the pages. A photo guest book will usually hold around 200 entries although this can be extended by having extra pages added to the standard photo guest book size, ensuring that all of your guests are able to leave a message of congratulations for you and your partner.

The Wedding Photo Book

Monday, April 29, 2013

COLUMBINE As You May Never Have Known it Before by Dave Cullen

Dave Cullen bravely took on what might be thought of as yet just another journalist trying to cash in on the horrific story of the massacre at Columbine School. He did this with clearly immense amounts of research and time in order to set straight all the rumors and give a factual account that painfully at times reads like a novel…such as IN COLD BLOOD, except we all know that this is not fiction. What most of us, including myself, did not know was the facts of what occurred that day at Columbine.

Don’t we already know about the loners, the Trench Coat Mafia boys, who were bullied until they had enough and blew away those people at that school? Don’t we know about the parents who never cared or saw this coming from their own sons? Don’t we know of the girl who told them she believed in God or the jocks who had bullied them and so were all killed? Don’t we know about Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris already?

No, we don’t! I didn’t and reading the painful but so well written account by Dave Cullen opened my eyes as it also tore at my heart. The book is so well researched after 10 years that nothing is left to chance or to guess at. The book tells of the media and how it sensationalized much of what happened on that tragic day and how the two killers were very different from how they were portrayed.

COLUMBINE goes further as it also goes into the effects of this immense tragedy to tell about the survivors and how years later the shock still remains and what changes it brought about to so many lives. Dave Cullen writes a tough to read, but riveting non-fiction account that you will find hard to tear yourself away from. It also leaves one wondering how you could have gotten things to wrong for all these years when you thought you knew the truth about Columbine. April 20, 1999, will come alive once again in a horrific yet truthful fashion for the reader through the research, hard work, and skillful writing of Dave Cullen. Although a tough book to read, I am not sorry I did…and found it hard to put down.

COLUMBINE As You May Never Have Known it Before by Dave Cullen

COLUMBINE As You May Never Have Known it Before by Dave Cullen

Dave Cullen bravely took on what might be thought of as yet just another journalist trying to cash in on the horrific story of the massacre at Columbine School. He did this with clearly immense amounts of research and time in order to set straight all the rumors and give a factual account that painfully at times reads like a novel…such as IN COLD BLOOD, except we all know that this is not fiction. What most of us, including myself, did not know was the facts of what occurred that day at Columbine.

Don’t we already know about the loners, the Trench Coat Mafia boys, who were bullied until they had enough and blew away those people at that school? Don’t we know about the parents who never cared or saw this coming from their own sons? Don’t we know of the girl who told them she believed in God or the jocks who had bullied them and so were all killed? Don’t we know about Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris already?

No, we don’t! I didn’t and reading the painful but so well written account by Dave Cullen opened my eyes as it also tore at my heart. The book is so well researched after 10 years that nothing is left to chance or to guess at. The book tells of the media and how it sensationalized much of what happened on that tragic day and how the two killers were very different from how they were portrayed.

COLUMBINE goes further as it also goes into the effects of this immense tragedy to tell about the survivors and how years later the shock still remains and what changes it brought about to so many lives. Dave Cullen writes a tough to read, but riveting non-fiction account that you will find hard to tear yourself away from. It also leaves one wondering how you could have gotten things to wrong for all these years when you thought you knew the truth about Columbine. April 20, 1999, will come alive once again in a horrific yet truthful fashion for the reader through the research, hard work, and skillful writing of Dave Cullen. Although a tough book to read, I am not sorry I did…and found it hard to put down.

COLUMBINE As You May Never Have Known it Before by Dave Cullen

COLUMBINE As You May Never Have Known it Before by Dave Cullen

Dave Cullen bravely took on what might be thought of as yet just another journalist trying to cash in on the horrific story of the massacre at Columbine School. He did this with clearly immense amounts of research and time in order to set straight all the rumors and give a factual account that painfully at times reads like a novel…such as IN COLD BLOOD, except we all know that this is not fiction. What most of us, including myself, did not know was the facts of what occurred that day at Columbine.

Don’t we already know about the loners, the Trench Coat Mafia boys, who were bullied until they had enough and blew away those people at that school? Don’t we know about the parents who never cared or saw this coming from their own sons? Don’t we know of the girl who told them she believed in God or the jocks who had bullied them and so were all killed? Don’t we know about Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris already?

No, we don’t! I didn’t and reading the painful but so well written account by Dave Cullen opened my eyes as it also tore at my heart. The book is so well researched after 10 years that nothing is left to chance or to guess at. The book tells of the media and how it sensationalized much of what happened on that tragic day and how the two killers were very different from how they were portrayed.

COLUMBINE goes further as it also goes into the effects of this immense tragedy to tell about the survivors and how years later the shock still remains and what changes it brought about to so many lives. Dave Cullen writes a tough to read, but riveting non-fiction account that you will find hard to tear yourself away from. It also leaves one wondering how you could have gotten things to wrong for all these years when you thought you knew the truth about Columbine. April 20, 1999, will come alive once again in a horrific yet truthful fashion for the reader through the research, hard work, and skillful writing of Dave Cullen. Although a tough book to read, I am not sorry I did…and found it hard to put down.

COLUMBINE As You May Never Have Known it Before by Dave Cullen

COLUMBINE As You May Never Have Known it Before by Dave Cullen

Dave Cullen bravely took on what might be thought of as yet just another journalist trying to cash in on the horrific story of the massacre at Columbine School. He did this with clearly immense amounts of research and time in order to set straight all the rumors and give a factual account that painfully at times reads like a novel…such as IN COLD BLOOD, except we all know that this is not fiction. What most of us, including myself, did not know was the facts of what occurred that day at Columbine.

Don’t we already know about the loners, the Trench Coat Mafia boys, who were bullied until they had enough and blew away those people at that school? Don’t we know about the parents who never cared or saw this coming from their own sons? Don’t we know of the girl who told them she believed in God or the jocks who had bullied them and so were all killed? Don’t we know about Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris already?

No, we don’t! I didn’t and reading the painful but so well written account by Dave Cullen opened my eyes as it also tore at my heart. The book is so well researched after 10 years that nothing is left to chance or to guess at. The book tells of the media and how it sensationalized much of what happened on that tragic day and how the two killers were very different from how they were portrayed.

COLUMBINE goes further as it also goes into the effects of this immense tragedy to tell about the survivors and how years later the shock still remains and what changes it brought about to so many lives. Dave Cullen writes a tough to read, but riveting non-fiction account that you will find hard to tear yourself away from. It also leaves one wondering how you could have gotten things to wrong for all these years when you thought you knew the truth about Columbine. April 20, 1999, will come alive once again in a horrific yet truthful fashion for the reader through the research, hard work, and skillful writing of Dave Cullen. Although a tough book to read, I am not sorry I did…and found it hard to put down.

COLUMBINE As You May Never Have Known it Before by Dave Cullen

COLUMBINE As You May Never Have Known it Before by Dave Cullen

Dave Cullen bravely took on what might be thought of as yet just another journalist trying to cash in on the horrific story of the massacre at Columbine School. He did this with clearly immense amounts of research and time in order to set straight all the rumors and give a factual account that painfully at times reads like a novel…such as IN COLD BLOOD, except we all know that this is not fiction. What most of us, including myself, did not know was the facts of what occurred that day at Columbine.

Don’t we already know about the loners, the Trench Coat Mafia boys, who were bullied until they had enough and blew away those people at that school? Don’t we know about the parents who never cared or saw this coming from their own sons? Don’t we know of the girl who told them she believed in God or the jocks who had bullied them and so were all killed? Don’t we know about Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris already?

No, we don’t! I didn’t and reading the painful but so well written account by Dave Cullen opened my eyes as it also tore at my heart. The book is so well researched after 10 years that nothing is left to chance or to guess at. The book tells of the media and how it sensationalized much of what happened on that tragic day and how the two killers were very different from how they were portrayed.

COLUMBINE goes further as it also goes into the effects of this immense tragedy to tell about the survivors and how years later the shock still remains and what changes it brought about to so many lives. Dave Cullen writes a tough to read, but riveting non-fiction account that you will find hard to tear yourself away from. It also leaves one wondering how you could have gotten things to wrong for all these years when you thought you knew the truth about Columbine. April 20, 1999, will come alive once again in a horrific yet truthful fashion for the reader through the research, hard work, and skillful writing of Dave Cullen. Although a tough book to read, I am not sorry I did…and found it hard to put down.

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COLUMBINE As You May Never Have Known it Before by Dave Cullen

COLUMBINE As You May Never Have Known it Before by Dave Cullen

Dave Cullen bravely took on what might be thought of as yet just another journalist trying to cash in on the horrific story of the massacre at Columbine School. He did this with clearly immense amounts of research and time in order to set straight all the rumors and give a factual account that painfully at times reads like a novel…such as IN COLD BLOOD, except we all know that this is not fiction. What most of us, including myself, did not know was the facts of what occurred that day at Columbine.

Don’t we already know about the loners, the Trench Coat Mafia boys, who were bullied until they had enough and blew away those people at that school? Don’t we know about the parents who never cared or saw this coming from their own sons? Don’t we know of the girl who told them she believed in God or the jocks who had bullied them and so were all killed? Don’t we know about Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris already?

No, we don’t! I didn’t and reading the painful but so well written account by Dave Cullen opened my eyes as it also tore at my heart. The book is so well researched after 10 years that nothing is left to chance or to guess at. The book tells of the media and how it sensationalized much of what happened on that tragic day and how the two killers were very different from how they were portrayed.

COLUMBINE goes further as it also goes into the effects of this immense tragedy to tell about the survivors and how years later the shock still remains and what changes it brought about to so many lives. Dave Cullen writes a tough to read, but riveting non-fiction account that you will find hard to tear yourself away from. It also leaves one wondering how you could have gotten things to wrong for all these years when you thought you knew the truth about Columbine. April 20, 1999, will come alive once again in a horrific yet truthful fashion for the reader through the research, hard work, and skillful writing of Dave Cullen. Although a tough book to read, I am not sorry I did…and found it hard to put down.

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COLUMBINE As You May Never Have Known it Before by Dave Cullen

A New Birth of Freedom - The Visitor - Author - Robert G. Pielke

To have met Abraham Lincoln would have been, no doubt, a memorable experience for anyone. But if someone was to say to you, “I’ll be meeting Lincoln in 14 years from now,” it would be absurd, right? What if that person convinces you of the meeting, scheduled in the future yet involving a person of the past, is a reality and every word true? You would come to the conclusion the person must possess some form of time traveling capability. Hence “time traveling” becomes your conclusion, your belief, and of your own free will in choosing this only possible logical explanation. (That person never said he is a time traveler, did he?) This is the skillful bases of an unforgettable story, “A New Birth of Freedom: The Visitor,” by the exquisitely talented author Robert G. Pielke.

Dr. Pielke loves history as revealed by his credentials studying the past. Furthermore, residing in the heart of Civil War battlegrounds, he accumulated a wealth of minutia about the history of the Union and Confederacy. His “Systematic” studies in Christianity can be superimposed onto other systems, such as war, plus his Ph.D. in Social Ethics states volumes of his understanding of people’s values and behavior. Add his love of science fiction, and you have a brilliant, out-of-the-box thinker, an author of immense capability to write penetrating thoughts, original and novel by all accounts.

The story begins with a train ride, when a passenger engages a conversation with a back-woods country lawyer, a politician a bit in debt, a humble man with a mind sharp and discerning. The man is Abe Lincoln. I have found this “lead” as one of the finest works of literary foreshadowing into a storyline of a creative journey of epic proportions. His writing is a flavorful mix of Rod Serling with Frank Herbert, a bit of H. G. Wells and a touch of Gene Roddenberry, plus some Carl Sagan, yet all uniquely Robert G. Pielke. The Visitor creates a showcase in which Pielke ostentatiously demonstrates his knowledge of the events and history circa 1863 and creates a “period piece of many eras” all at once. Meaning the past, the present and the future; combining the “three time frames’” into what can be described as a “Present situation of past events that occur in the future.”

All of this food for thought is topped with “Save the Earth” desperation – and I don’t mean anything Al Gore might preach to audiences, but wish to avoid telling in this review as not to distract from the surprise foundation of the multi-dimensional sub-plot. A book for historians, sci-fi enthusiasts, adventure story fans and people of all ages, “A New Birth of Freedom: The Visitor” will resonate in your thoughts long after the book is finished and you think to yourself, “Wow.”

A New Birth of Freedom - The Visitor - Author - Robert G. Pielke

A New Birth of Freedom - The Visitor - Author - Robert G. Pielke

To have met Abraham Lincoln would have been, no doubt, a memorable experience for anyone. But if someone was to say to you, “I’ll be meeting Lincoln in 14 years from now,” it would be absurd, right? What if that person convinces you of the meeting, scheduled in the future yet involving a person of the past, is a reality and every word true? You would come to the conclusion the person must possess some form of time traveling capability. Hence “time traveling” becomes your conclusion, your belief, and of your own free will in choosing this only possible logical explanation. (That person never said he is a time traveler, did he?) This is the skillful bases of an unforgettable story, “A New Birth of Freedom: The Visitor,” by the exquisitely talented author Robert G. Pielke.

Dr. Pielke loves history as revealed by his credentials studying the past. Furthermore, residing in the heart of Civil War battlegrounds, he accumulated a wealth of minutia about the history of the Union and Confederacy. His “Systematic” studies in Christianity can be superimposed onto other systems, such as war, plus his Ph.D. in Social Ethics states volumes of his understanding of people’s values and behavior. Add his love of science fiction, and you have a brilliant, out-of-the-box thinker, an author of immense capability to write penetrating thoughts, original and novel by all accounts.

The story begins with a train ride, when a passenger engages a conversation with a back-woods country lawyer, a politician a bit in debt, a humble man with a mind sharp and discerning. The man is Abe Lincoln. I have found this “lead” as one of the finest works of literary foreshadowing into a storyline of a creative journey of epic proportions. His writing is a flavorful mix of Rod Serling with Frank Herbert, a bit of H. G. Wells and a touch of Gene Roddenberry, plus some Carl Sagan, yet all uniquely Robert G. Pielke. The Visitor creates a showcase in which Pielke ostentatiously demonstrates his knowledge of the events and history circa 1863 and creates a “period piece of many eras” all at once. Meaning the past, the present and the future; combining the “three time frames’” into what can be described as a “Present situation of past events that occur in the future.”

All of this food for thought is topped with “Save the Earth” desperation – and I don’t mean anything Al Gore might preach to audiences, but wish to avoid telling in this review as not to distract from the surprise foundation of the multi-dimensional sub-plot. A book for historians, sci-fi enthusiasts, adventure story fans and people of all ages, “A New Birth of Freedom: The Visitor” will resonate in your thoughts long after the book is finished and you think to yourself, “Wow.”

A New Birth of Freedom - The Visitor - Author - Robert G. Pielke

Bluest Eye - An Awesome Story With Embedded Reality

This is an excellent novel to read by Toni Morrison. I had the opportunity to use this novel for a class in African-American Literature. The characters are easily traced and understood. The symbols used in the book to portray actually realities of life were just striking. The development of the plot intriguing, flow of the storyline very captivating and intoxicating. Having read this novel several times, I have found it to be a dynamic story of reality based on fictional characters.

The story in this novel of the Breedlove family in just simply amazing! Ironically, it is one without love, even though by virtue of the family’s name one would assume love is involved. The only thing one finds there is no love.

The moral of this novel brings several themes to light: First, that life is a struggle especially when one tries to maintain a quality of life in an environment that is hostile to his or her welfare. Secondly, it shows what happens to a female who lives in a family without love, while she is thirsty for love, and would love to be loved by others. Next, it shows how racial prejudice and self hatred affects a family and a person’s self image.

This excellent novel brings one to realize how the lack of opportunity, lack of intrinsic motivation, and feeling of inferiority affects a person’s life, thus stunning the growth of the person. Toni Morrison brings these concepts of reality to life in a very interesting way in this novel.

One must read this book to appreciate the story, images, conflicts, plot, and resolution. This is truly a classic example of life’s situation one must avoid; however, others are unfortunately experiencing these conditions across the world as we speak.

More about Toni Morrison at: http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1993/morrison-bio.html

Submitted by “Epulaeryu Master.”

Bluest Eye - An Awesome Story With Embedded Reality

Bluest Eye - An Awesome Story With Embedded Reality

This is an excellent novel to read by Toni Morrison. I had the opportunity to use this novel for a class in African-American Literature. The characters are easily traced and understood. The symbols used in the book to portray actually realities of life were just striking. The development of the plot intriguing, flow of the storyline very captivating and intoxicating. Having read this novel several times, I have found it to be a dynamic story of reality based on fictional characters.

The story in this novel of the Breedlove family in just simply amazing! Ironically, it is one without love, even though by virtue of the family’s name one would assume love is involved. The only thing one finds there is no love.

The moral of this novel brings several themes to light: First, that life is a struggle especially when one tries to maintain a quality of life in an environment that is hostile to his or her welfare. Secondly, it shows what happens to a female who lives in a family without love, while she is thirsty for love, and would love to be loved by others. Next, it shows how racial prejudice and self hatred affects a family and a person’s self image.

This excellent novel brings one to realize how the lack of opportunity, lack of intrinsic motivation, and feeling of inferiority affects a person’s life, thus stunning the growth of the person. Toni Morrison brings these concepts of reality to life in a very interesting way in this novel.

One must read this book to appreciate the story, images, conflicts, plot, and resolution. This is truly a classic example of life’s situation one must avoid; however, others are unfortunately experiencing these conditions across the world as we speak.

More about Toni Morrison at: http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1993/morrison-bio.html

Submitted by “Epulaeryu Master.”

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Bluest Eye - An Awesome Story With Embedded Reality

Bluest Eye - An Awesome Story With Embedded Reality

This is an excellent novel to read by Toni Morrison. I had the opportunity to use this novel for a class in African-American Literature. The characters are easily traced and understood. The symbols used in the book to portray actually realities of life were just striking. The development of the plot intriguing, flow of the storyline very captivating and intoxicating. Having read this novel several times, I have found it to be a dynamic story of reality based on fictional characters.

The story in this novel of the Breedlove family in just simply amazing! Ironically, it is one without love, even though by virtue of the family’s name one would assume love is involved. The only thing one finds there is no love.

The moral of this novel brings several themes to light: First, that life is a struggle especially when one tries to maintain a quality of life in an environment that is hostile to his or her welfare. Secondly, it shows what happens to a female who lives in a family without love, while she is thirsty for love, and would love to be loved by others. Next, it shows how racial prejudice and self hatred affects a family and a person’s self image.

This excellent novel brings one to realize how the lack of opportunity, lack of intrinsic motivation, and feeling of inferiority affects a person’s life, thus stunning the growth of the person. Toni Morrison brings these concepts of reality to life in a very interesting way in this novel.

One must read this book to appreciate the story, images, conflicts, plot, and resolution. This is truly a classic example of life’s situation one must avoid; however, others are unfortunately experiencing these conditions across the world as we speak.

More about Toni Morrison at: http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1993/morrison-bio.html

Submitted by “Epulaeryu Master.”

Bluest Eye - An Awesome Story With Embedded Reality

Bluest Eye - An Awesome Story With Embedded Reality

This is an excellent novel to read by Toni Morrison. I had the opportunity to use this novel for a class in African-American Literature. The characters are easily traced and understood. The symbols used in the book to portray actually realities of life were just striking. The development of the plot intriguing, flow of the storyline very captivating and intoxicating. Having read this novel several times, I have found it to be a dynamic story of reality based on fictional characters.

The story in this novel of the Breedlove family in just simply amazing! Ironically, it is one without love, even though by virtue of the family’s name one would assume love is involved. The only thing one finds there is no love.

The moral of this novel brings several themes to light: First, that life is a struggle especially when one tries to maintain a quality of life in an environment that is hostile to his or her welfare. Secondly, it shows what happens to a female who lives in a family without love, while she is thirsty for love, and would love to be loved by others. Next, it shows how racial prejudice and self hatred affects a family and a person’s self image.

This excellent novel brings one to realize how the lack of opportunity, lack of intrinsic motivation, and feeling of inferiority affects a person’s life, thus stunning the growth of the person. Toni Morrison brings these concepts of reality to life in a very interesting way in this novel.

One must read this book to appreciate the story, images, conflicts, plot, and resolution. This is truly a classic example of life’s situation one must avoid; however, others are unfortunately experiencing these conditions across the world as we speak.

More about Toni Morrison at: http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1993/morrison-bio.html

Submitted by “Epulaeryu Master.”

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Bluest Eye - An Awesome Story With Embedded Reality

Review of BE - DO - HAVE From Robert Kiyosaki and the Cashflow Quadrant

Today as I was selecting a book to read or reference in my personal development time I was drawn to a chapter from The Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki dealing with the question of, how do I get rich? As with so many teachings in goal setting, success or achievement the mindset or way of thinking seems to be the Achilles heel for the majority of people. Nearly everyone wants to create a ‘to do list’ that will allow them to get to their goal or their have and that’s where the disconnect happens.

Let’s look at an example of the golfer mentioned in the book. A lousy golfer chooses what he thinks he has to ‘do’…buying a new set of clubs vs. who he needs to ‘be’…learning the mindset and beliefs of a professional golfer in order to fix his game. You know the results on this one…a lousy golfer with fancy clubs, right? In a financial/business perspective this is the same thinking that keeps the poor and middle class stuck. They think by having the luxuries that make them look rich will make them rich hence the term ‘Keeping up with the Joneses’…obviously a broken model looking at the world today.

A while back I realized that I was of similar mindset to the majority and not the rich minority. I followed what my environment portrayed not realizing the limited and less fruitful outlook I had coming in the future. The great thing is each person can choose to change their situation and ways of operation to a BE – DO – HAVE formula. I reached my saturation point and began to seek personal development and a position in the “B” quadrant not long ago through an online home business. I can’t tell you the difference it made.

So, I wanted to give others a wakeup call, if the economy hasn’t already done that for you, to get on the correct path to living a wealthy life. The formula is a simple one, yet it takes discipline. I found that becoming a part of a community of entrepreneurs that share and follow the BE – DO – HAVE formula makes a huge difference in the level of success you can achieve. If you’re ready to start becoming one of the wealthy using the internet for a current or new business contact me and I’ll fill you in on who you need to BE – DO – HAVE.

Review of BE - DO - HAVE From Robert Kiyosaki and the Cashflow Quadrant

Review of BE - DO - HAVE From Robert Kiyosaki and the Cashflow Quadrant

Today as I was selecting a book to read or reference in my personal development time I was drawn to a chapter from The Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki dealing with the question of, how do I get rich? As with so many teachings in goal setting, success or achievement the mindset or way of thinking seems to be the Achilles heel for the majority of people. Nearly everyone wants to create a ‘to do list’ that will allow them to get to their goal or their have and that’s where the disconnect happens.

Let’s look at an example of the golfer mentioned in the book. A lousy golfer chooses what he thinks he has to ‘do’…buying a new set of clubs vs. who he needs to ‘be’…learning the mindset and beliefs of a professional golfer in order to fix his game. You know the results on this one…a lousy golfer with fancy clubs, right? In a financial/business perspective this is the same thinking that keeps the poor and middle class stuck. They think by having the luxuries that make them look rich will make them rich hence the term ‘Keeping up with the Joneses’…obviously a broken model looking at the world today.

A while back I realized that I was of similar mindset to the majority and not the rich minority. I followed what my environment portrayed not realizing the limited and less fruitful outlook I had coming in the future. The great thing is each person can choose to change their situation and ways of operation to a BE – DO – HAVE formula. I reached my saturation point and began to seek personal development and a position in the “B” quadrant not long ago through an online home business. I can’t tell you the difference it made.

So, I wanted to give others a wakeup call, if the economy hasn’t already done that for you, to get on the correct path to living a wealthy life. The formula is a simple one, yet it takes discipline. I found that becoming a part of a community of entrepreneurs that share and follow the BE – DO – HAVE formula makes a huge difference in the level of success you can achieve. If you’re ready to start becoming one of the wealthy using the internet for a current or new business contact me and I’ll fill you in on who you need to BE – DO – HAVE.

Review of BE - DO - HAVE From Robert Kiyosaki and the Cashflow Quadrant