Tuesday, May 28, 2013

MISSING - The Jaryd Atadero Story - A Must-Read!

Missing: The Jaryd Atadero Story

By Allyn and Arlyn Atadero

When do you give up hope? Would you give up your hope if the majority of people believed something, but you are not totally convinced? Would you accept something if you were not 100% sure? This is a “somewhat different type” of review of the book, Missing: the Jaryd Atadero Story, by his Father and Uncle, Allyn and Arlyn Atadero.

Missing is a true story. It is an ongoing story. Why? Because as of today, eight years after Jaryd Atadero disappeared in the Colorado Mountains, Allyn Atadero still is not 100% sure that Jaryd died in the mountains. People want Mr. Atadero to “move on,” to continue with his life, to create a “new life” without his son…they want Mr. Atadero to…give up hope.

Now we all know that, sometimes, someone goes “missing” and there is never a discovery of what happened. In those situations, I might agree that the individual must begin to move on. But, after reading Missing, I could not! My hope is that Jaryd is still alive; I cannot give up that hope based upon reading this book. Would I dare to even suggest to his father that he should move on? Never!

This book is a personal testimony-of a father’s love and of his belief in God! It is beautiful, it is terrible, it is horrible, it is love itself. But it is not a memorial or in any way written “in memory of” Jaryd. There is hope in this book; there is a desire to have this book all over the world…so that Jaryd may one day pick this book up and see his picture there on the front…and remember…I am Jaryd!

I want to help support that hope!

This book is not a page-turner. In fact, it took me quite a few days to read the book. As an aside, it is very well written and the author has shared a story that you will never forget!
I found myself crying so much sometimes that I had to stop reading…put it down and go on to another task to escape this story. Other times, I was so angry at what was happening, that I again had to stop and put it down until I was able to regain some semblance of professional separation.

I never succeeded.

I want you to read this book because I want you to know how this family was treated! I want you to know about the bureaucratic nonsense that prevented people from participating in the search for Jaryd. I want you to know about the very important messages that were provided but ignored, such as a ranger notifying authorities that he had seen Jaryd the day after his disappearance. I want you to know that a tracker identified a location to be searched-but that it was never searched. I want you to see that, later, when Jaryd’s clothes were found, they were found not too far from the location that was originally mapped out by that tracker.

Parents-you need to read this book! Professionals of all related organizations and governmental agencies-you need to read this book! Media members-you need to read this book!

Is Jaryd still missing? If you can read this review and then read this book and you are willing to say, “Mr. Atadero, your son is not coming home…and I am 100% sure of that,” I know that the parents and other family members would be blessed and forever thankful! There is much to question as you read the book-you will find yourself confused as to why experts who volunteered were not permitted to participate in the search. In his own words, Mr. Atadero says, “I don’t know what to believe…” It is important to note that the authors say nothing to condemn the actions of anybody; they are merely reporting what they know as they understood the facts. Would you be willing to accept all that happened?

As a result of the actions and follow up by many family and friends, there have been many changes and programs established. Readers will gain important information about these programs.

This book is not finished. I have formed an opinion as a result of what I’ve read and learned so far–I believe Jaryd was abducted from the Colorado Mountains. Readers, can you be absolutely sure? Can you close this book without wondering?

I know this is not a routine book review. I asked Jaryd’s father if I could write something different and gained his approval. Readers-I feel I was led to write this review as written. What Jaryd’s father and I both know is that God is in control. Read, especially, “Whispers in my Ear,” when you get the book. Allyn and Jaryd Atadero will indeed be reunited one day-in one place or another!

Will you read and share this story? And remember to learn as much as you can about protecting your children-anywhere and at any time! If you love children, there is no doubt in my mind-Missing: the Jaryd Atadero Story is a Must Read!

MISSING - The Jaryd Atadero Story - A Must-Read!

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