Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I Love You, I Love Those Shoes

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I remember a sermon preached by a Pastor entitled “Love, is what it does“, sounds catchy I thought, but I didn’t realize the meaning until years later; no I am not implying that I’ve mastered it, but I believe I understand what it is and what it in not.

Love… Isn’t it ironic we use the same word to define how we feel about a pair of shoes? We use the word “Love” to express our delight for a favorite meal or memorable vacation spot.

The word “Love” is used so carelessly in our everyday life and is tossed around as a filler to define something that is said to be so complex, yet it is a simple word… an action word.

In western culture it seems to have many interpretations; you can’t make love, it’s something you show and in can be expressed in many ways to the object of one affection. Love is not confined to a physical act involving two people engaged in simple or complex bedroom antics, nor is it simply a term of endearment. I remember that passage of scripture, that says “… while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the un-godly”.  Wow could this have been a demonstration of love, a word that was demonstrated by the action of a loving God.

The Book of Corinthians, precisely in the 13th chapter spells it out for us by telling what love is; its patient, kind, not harsh, it doesn’t boast in it self… in layman’s terms, love doesn’t start on Monday and cease on Tuesday, its consistent and love will not cause you to wonder if someone really cares!

When love is expressed; when love is shown to the object of affection, the mere words spoken by the sender saying, “I Love You” are words of confirmation to the receiver of what is consistently experienced. Flowers, don’t prove it, mere words are not enough but it is the everyday actions that demonstrate ones love for another; if you want a perfect example, don’t look at the world, the church even falls short so don’t look there but look in Gods word!

I Love You, I Love Those Shoes

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