If you are wondering why you have stayed in that job for your years without any promotion in sight, then you must get hold of the book The 12 Bad Habits that Hold Good People Back by James Waldroop Ph.D. The book highlights personal weaknesses and negative attitudes that harm one’s career goals and offer the practical solutions that can propel your career forward.
Why the Book Is Getting Raves
Career leaders, managers, and human resource executives hail the book as containing the best insights into human behavior and attitude that deters success in the workplace. The book is the exact opposite of books that focus on success. Using a new roadmap to change defeating behavior, James Waldroop, Ph.D. uses case studies to depict real situations. The analysis explains the why and the how and what should be done to avert the catastrophe.
The 12 Bad Habits That Hold Good People Back provides the tools to break the bad habits. Frankly, it will take self-discipline to change those “bad” habits that are wrecking your career chances. In sum, the book educates and makes you reflect and spurs you to action.
The 12 Bad Habits That Hold Good People Back is not about success but about mistakes. The discussions are drawn from case studies. With twenty years of research in business psychology, James Waldroop, Ph.D. writes with authority. His credentials lend clout to the theory that people learn from their mistakes, not their successes. It becomes easier for the reader to identify with the discussion. The insights from the experiences provide practical advice. The book can jumpstart or save businesses and careers.
Whatever your career background, the book is a must-read. The book will help keep you grounded as you trudge along its road-map to success. Career strategists and human resource executives will find the book useful because this is an excellent reference book for behavioral patterns in the workplace.
The 12 Bad Habits
If you can identify with any of these bad habits, get help from this book: If you always feel that you are not good enough for the job, judgmental and un-flexible, demand immediate success or work too hard to achieve the desired result, fear conflict and leading the team, or you don’t listen to others, and you get lost or you do not value loyalty – it is time for you to get The 12 Bad Habits That Hold Good People Back.
Other Things You Can Learn
Apart from the universal truths about bad habits in the workplace, the book can help you become a better boss, co-worker, supervisor or a career adviser. You can also learn how to balance your work and your personal life. If you think that you are hopeless, don’t give up now. The book is a life-saver for all individuals seeking success in what they do best. The 12 Bad Habits That Hold Good People Back by James Waldroop Ph.D is your lifeline to career success. Find out what your weakness is and beat it. The book by itself is a good addition to your collection.
The 12 Bad Habits That Hold Good People Back by James Waldroop PhD
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