Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Are You a Go-Getter Girl?

Audiobooks at audible.com.

Today while browsing Barnes and Nobles and looking for some medical books I stumbled upon a book called “The Go-Getter Girl’s Guide: Get What You Want in Work and Life (and Look Great While You’re at It)” by Debra Shigley, and it caught my eye. Interesting title but what exactly is a Go-Getter Girl (GGG)?

While scanning through the book I noticed a quiz with questions about how you interact at work. Most of my answers came back to be false which means I’m not a go-getter girl. I realized that in less than five minutes that short quiz had summed up work life. I liked to play in the background and not the forefront. When given challenges I take them and run but don’t stick out if it’s not do-or-die.

This book was able to help me realize that as a professional I must stand out in the crowd. There are a ton of other hard workers out there striving for the same things that you want. You can always do your work and be excellent in it, but there is one person in your office who is going to go the extra mile and make himself/herself known. These are the people who also make allies in the company. Mentors are great people to have and you can learn a great deal from them but you also need allies in your company. The author does detail how a mentor can also be an ally. This is the greatest thing to look for in a mentor. A mentor that will also be your ally in getting raises, obtaining promotions or new positions and greater opportunities is a great asset.

All in all, the book is amazing from just the short amount of pages that I read. I’ll be going to pick it back up and make notes, highlights and everything else so I can truly succeed at being a Go-Getter Girl. Not only will it help me out in work life but might also help out in the personal aspects as well.

Are You a Go-Getter Girl?

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