Thursday, May 2, 2013

Time to Fix Our Schools - Drop-Out Rates Are Soaring

Here we watch as the political races rage on at all levels and everyone is complaining about our schools and the increasing High School Drop Out rates even though we spend $10,000 per student per year. Complaining about is not fixing the problem and the infighting of politics at all levels seems to be distant from the actual problems and potential solutions.

So, what can we do, as all this bickering is not getting us anywhere and the problems are growing? In some areas and regions of our country we have Drop-Out Rates of 50% and that is unacceptable for the future in this information age. And even when kids do graduate what do they really know. Those who go onto higher education, are paying higher costs, so high that they are repaying student loans for decades.

Something must be done, as the educational system, much like the health care system, and banking system are broken. In doing much research on this subject, I have read several very good ideas that could be implemented and yet, the chances of getting anything like this done, are slim to none in the current political climate. However, I’d sure like to recommend a very good book to you:

“Winning the Brain Race; A Bold Plan to Make Our Schools Competitive” by David T. Kearns (Chairman and CEO of Xerox) and Denis P. Doyle (a Senior Researcher Fellow at the Hudson Institute); ICS Press [Institute for Contemporary Studies in San Francisco, CA; 1988.

The book starts out with a famous quote from H. G. Wells;

Human History becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe”

And in the book that follows is a complete plan to solve this problem and the consequences if we fail to do so. Please consider this book and if you are in a leadership position and can do something about it, then please pick up a copy for yourself.

Time to Fix Our Schools - Drop-Out Rates Are Soaring

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