Wednesday, May 1, 2013

7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Character Is the Key

For more than two decades, this modern time management classic by Stephen Covey has already touched millions of lives by providing practical tips on managing their time and resources. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has reached the “phenomenal” level with a long list of achievements, one of which is being named by Time Magazine as one of the twenty-five most influential books of all time in the field of business management in the year 2011.

Simply put, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is divided into three different sections: self-mastery, dealing with other people, and renewal of oneself. All in all, the book consists of seven major chapters, with titles that became so popular; Stephen Covey has to register a trademark for each chapter title under his name.

The section on self-mastery revolves around three concepts: being practical and positive (Chapter 1: Be Proactive), having clear goals (Chapter 2: Begin with an End in Mind), and having a sense of priority (Chapter 3: First Things First). This section of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People actually presents a lot of challenges to the individual that will result to being an effective person, not just in the context of work, but also in dealing with other people and handling personal concerns. It also helps one appreciate the true value of his/her time.

The subsequent section of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People places its focus on how to work with other people. Made up of three chapters, this particular section addresses specific and real concerns on: beneficial agreements or conflict resolution (Chapter 4: Think Win-Win), the lost skill of listening with sincerity (Chapter 5: Seek First to Understand, Then Be Understood), the true value of teamwork and cooperation (Chapter 6: Synergize). Mastery of the second section will make an individual an effective team player who promotes a positive outlook when it comes to work, among other things.

The last section and chapter of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People entitled Sharpening the Saw gives helpful tips on how not to grow tired of being effective. Mastery of the skills of a highly effective person requires a lot of patience and discipline and this, among many other things are shared by this particular section.

What makes this self-help book different is its style of conveying its message to its readers. It does not sound preachy or prescriptive in any way. Actually, it has fun ways of imparting the important techniques to its audience. It can be considered as a work book for adults because of its light approach in developing one’s character in promoting personal growth.

Despite the fact that this book has kept its magic despite the fact that it has been in the shelf for quite sometime now is its undying significance and relevance. It is anchored on real situations and many people found genuine help from 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It has been proven as the effective book for effective people. Proofs of its success are its sequels, First Things First and The 8th Habit.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Character Is the Key

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