Jason Veitch Cleared of All Charges
Friday, April 17, 2009 The Time-Herald of Newman, Georgia carried the headline “Vetch Cleared of All Charges.” “Georgia Justice” is the story of the ten month journey to faith experienced by the family of Jason Vetch as told by his mother Jackie Carpenter.
After being the victim of seventeen copper thefts on his construction job sites, Vetch was guarding his property. In the early morning hours of June 28, 2008 another planned robbery was in process. Jason attempted a citizen’s arrest when an accidental firing of his gun wounded one of the alleged thieves. Hours later the man died at the hospital and Jason was taken into custody. At the arraignment that followed Jason was charged with felony murder as well as four other serious charges.
Carpenter’s earlier book “The Bridge” goes into detail regarding all the events that transpired on the night of June 28, 2008 and the trial that took place in April of 2009. “Georgia Justice” is Jackie’s story of the onslaught of her spiritual battle, the frustration and tears she endured right up to the time the decision of jury was announced. “Not guilty on all five counts.”
Jackie tells of her regular visits to her prayer closet to find release from the onslaught of Satan as he attacked her spiritually, mentally, and physically. There may be readers who feel Jackie’s description of her roller coaster ride of emotions is repetitive but anyone who has experienced a visit with their son or daughter separated by a partition of prison glass will understand Jackie’s heartbreak as she watched the tears rolling down her son Jason’s cheeks on her first visit after his arrest.
Jason’s exoneration is an affirmation of the power of prayer and the effectiveness of a prayer chain ministry. Thousands of people from Georgia to New York joined in prayer for the outcome of Jason’s trial and his future.
“Georgia Justice” is a powerful testimony of the strength Jackie discovered as she claimed the promises of Psalm 91 and other selected scriptures as her lifeline to her faith, her sanity and her physical well-being. Her story is a reminder to the reader of the spiritual strength available in the book Psalms.
I received a review copy of the book from a representative of the author. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
xulon Press
2180 West State Road 434, Suite 2140
Longwood, Florida 32779
978-1612157689, $ 14.99, 2011, 158 pages
As reviewed for Midwest Book Review.
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Georgia Justice: Journey to Faith by Jackie Carpenter
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