Thursday, March 28, 2013

Christian E-Books and Books Are Not Just For Evangelists Anymore

It can be safely said that people have many-misconceptions about Christianity. The most significant of these is that Christianity is boring, and Christian e-books and books are just for evangelists! You would be surprised at the number of people you can speak to in a week that will tell you they do not see how they could possibly use a Christian e-book or other books in their life.

Oh, how wrong they are.

Types of Christian e-Books and Books

First and foremost, let us take a look at the types of Christian e-books and books currently available on the market. Did you know there is a virtual proliferation of Christian literature leaving its mark in every genre from history to fiction? Categories of Christian literature out there include:

Fiction. In the past three years authors like Deborah Bedford, James Scott Bell, Melody Carlson, Betty Smart Carter, Constance Colson, Neva Coyle, Andy Demsky and Richard Paul Evans have been topping the fiction charts with well crafted Christian fiction related to modern life, love, romance, crime and the pressures of day to day living.

Self Help. Did you know the Bible has lots of pointers on how to manage your money? Deal with depression? Patch up your marriage and keep your family together? Keep your teen off drugs and out of trouble? The best of today’s’ Christian authors tell it like it is and help lay out the path to redemption and, most importantly, answers.

History. “The DaVinci Code” was far from the first book to tie together history and religion. You would be amazed at the number of books there are out there that do the exact same thing, tying religion to many of the most important people and events in history.

Science. Ever think that you were the only person to try and tie science and religion together to make sense of our modern mysteries? Not a chance. There are hundreds of Christian e-books and books out there written by scientists, for scientists, explaining the theology and methodology of the universe.

Christian e-books and books exist for almost any classification of book you could possibly ask for. All you have to do is go looking!

Why Read Christian e-Books and Books at All?

Have you ever heard the saying, “What goes in is what comes out?” It is kind of like “What goes up must come down,” but from a philosophical perspective. Nature, Gods’ Nature, and Nurture determine how we act, and it is important to cultivate that by filling our minds and our hearts with God rather than the desires of the flesh. Many (most) pieces of contemporary fiction depend on sex, drugs, violence and crime for a good “selling point.” Want to guess what those people are learning about behavior in today’s’ society?

By contrast, filling your minds and hearts with the words and wisdom of Christ, even if they are personified by fictional characters, can inspire us to reach a little farther, stretch a little further, and work a little bit harder to be a true representative of the body of Christ.

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Christian E-Books and Books Are Not Just For Evangelists Anymore

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